Did you know that Fathers Day is just around the corner?? No?? Dad hasn't mentioned it?? well get ready folks its happening.
There always seems to be so much hype about mothers day (don’t get me wrong I think it is well deserved!) but Sunday June 18 is when we will all get to celebrate the dad’s in our world. The dad’s (new and old), fathers in law, uncles, best friends dads and neighborhood dads. I hope you are all fortunate enough to have lots of wonderful men to celebrate. But when it comes to celebrating dads its not quite the same as moms – actually its not the same at all. Instead of flowers, chocolates, spa days etc. Get the dad in your life something they will love and appreciate….. meat – Bison meat specifically!
If you are local to Big Rock Bison you can always pick up a gift certificate for them to come and visit the “Silo Store” to pick out some steaks or order some BUFF sticks at www.buff.ca and enter #dadsrock for 10% off your order. And free shipping on orders over $100.00!!
Don’t forget awesome dad’s have awesome kids!! - that’s you!!
Ok so what happens if your dad is a vegetarian, vegan or on some other wild diet that he cant have meat??. My suggestion is to just order some BUFF for yourself then. Its a win/win!!